Want to sell your land? Not sure where to start?


Have your plans changed for the land you own? Is it time to sell?

Make a confident decision about selling your land at a favorable cash-in-your pocket price.


You probably received a letter of interest from us. We understand you will expect a fair price. And we will need to do preliminary research to make an offer. Minimally the land must have marketable title and unobstructed access


Take it or leave it? NO. That’s not the way we work. If you are undecided about selling, we can check back with you later. We’ve completed deals months after our first offer. We want to stay in contact. If we simply cannot agree on a price and you still want to sell, we may be able to refer you to an agent.


We can provide an informal report on comparable sold prices and marketability. This is a value-added evaluation just for the asking. You will receive a better understanding of the numbers behind our offer. If you are a willing seller, we will be open and forthcoming about our offer.


We are looking for motivated sellers who will accept a discounted price. Our offer will be based on available data, land features and our investment criteria. We don’t just guess low and hope you will accept.

Specializing in the southwest.

Call the seller line (707) 605-1561

Or click

We pay closing costs


We can close 30 days.

I would like to get an offer price for my land.

We never share your info. Promise.

I received a letter of interest.